About Crimsette

General Information

Name: Crimsette

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Religion: Eclectic Pagan (Everyone knows except my family)

Sign (Western): Taurus (Super stubborn)

Sign (Eastern): Monkey

Favorite Color: cool colors (blue, purple, green)

Loves: Animals, Music, Photography

Hates: Intolerance, Being overworked

Most Informative Quote about me: “You have an addictive personality with a short attention span.” – Cami



I lived with my mother and was raised by my grandmother, essentially. I’ve always been much closer to my grandparents than my mother, mostly due to my step-father, but I won’t get into that. I spent the majority of my childhood at my grandparents house and I’m sure that has influenced my world view quite a bit.


Middle of nowhere, USA. Actually, Middle of Cornfield, USA.

Religion Raised in:

Christian. Baptist. Entirely with no deviation. Both my grandparents go to church once a week and they used to go three times a week. I went with them for a few years when I was younger. I have nothing against Christianity and I love my family, but that just wasn’t something that I felt particularly comfortable believing in.


I went to an unexceptional country school and am attending a very exceptional university. I’m planning to major in English with either a double major or minor in Humanities. I’d also like to pick up a minor in either theatre, religion, or journalism, but that will depend on my course load as time goes on.


Currently I have three cats (Jasper, Jezza, and Malachi) and two rats (Kiwi and Micah). The cats can’t be on campus so they’re at home, but Kiwi and Micah both live with me in my dorm.


They’re crazy. All of them. 🙂

*All images used on Earth Spirit are copyrighted by their respective owner unless otherwise stated or linked. All photos by Crimsette are also WATERMARKED and art theft will not be tolerated.

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