Prompt – Christian Paganism

Prompt: Christian Paganism? Is it possible? Personally, I know of at least one person that claims to be a Christian Pagan. While I don’t really understand it, I find the thought of combining two religions into one rather intriguing. Especially when one of those religions practically hates the other…. Do you have any experience with Christian Pagan(ism)s? Or perhaps you yourself fall into this category? Please, enlighten us with your thoughts on this seemingly oxymoron combination.

Pagan Blog Prompts – Pagan Christian

Most Christians will vehemently disagree, but I don’t think most religions are all that different. There are things that everyone will nitpick at (Oh, they don’t think Jesus was Christ, Oh they don’t value the virgin Mary, OH they…). We get it. You want to be different.

But I don’t think any religion is really all that different (except Scientology and Satanism…those are…well, my opinions of them aren’t high at all). My personal belief is that all of the religions we have today stem from one, common, ancient religion. There are far too many similarities for me to see them as all being their own distinct entities.

That is my personal belief, though I still call myself Christian, and, through my love of Pagan rituals and such, Pagan. Yes, Crim, I said it here. I see both sides of myself here, and I can’t deny either. The Christian half longs for a different name, though, but I also feel I shouldn’t be ashamed of the name it already has.

It is the stereotype that has been attached to Christianity that makes me ashamed to use that word. A Christian must believe this, must hate that…But it’s not true. A good Christian is open and loving to everyone, no matter what their religion. It’s in the bible! The Bible itself doesn’t tell us to hate, that’s a stigma attached by man. And that strange need so many people feel to shove their beliefs down throats…But Christianity isn’t the only religion guilty of doing that, it’s just the most common criminal. That’s because there are many branches that say they have to do that. I can point to the screamers on the street corner of my college for that example.

These stereotypes are what make this sort of thing so hard to believe. Christians must see Paganism as a Satanic religion because they do weird ritual shit, and Christians must be ass holes about themselves…it’s just…completely incorrect. Not every member of any given religion is the same.

This combination comes from people that have open minds and open hearts, instead of iron-locked ones.

From all that dwell below the skies,
Let songs of hope and faith arise.
Let beauty, truth and good be sung,
From every land, by every tongue.


(Quote from Crim, making fun of me – “Oh I’m Christian, but I’m Pagan, but I’m Christian and I like Paganism, but they hate each other, but they have to be able to get along but they hate each other but I’m Christian and I’m Pagan and I like Paganism..”)


I delve more into this in my other blog, Getting By. (“I want to be open minded…“)