
As an eclectic practicing pagan, it’s quite hard to explain to some my beliefs. When most people think pagan, they think Wicca or Druid. It’s complete mystery to people when I say I take from all different types of belief in fit them into my core beliefs. So some beliefs may seem Christian (because they are), some beliefs may seem Buddhist (because they are) and some beliefs may even seem Wicca or Druid (because they are). I do not discriminate where beliefs and values come from. If I see that they can be applied to my life, of course I am going to add them to my core faith. Shouldn’t that be what faith should be? Finding all the traditions and values that fit to you and work in how you wish to believe. We make those values and traditions. The Divine only gives us what to work with.  We are the ones to make that connection.

Connection. Connection is the basic key to any relationship. Be it with your faith, the Divine, your work, your relationships, your sexuality, yourself and a plethora of other things. I’ve come to learn that connection is what is most important. I’ve had long talks with my grandmother (who is a very serious Christian), when I formally renounced being a Christian at age 15, about my exploration into the Pagan faith. At first, she was very confused and almost thought of it as a joke. But I began to show her that I was serious. But to ease in the idea of being a Pagan, I had to invite her into the rituals and the values I had. I let her see that, despite what I call myself or what anyone calls themselves, we all believe in essentially the same thing. We believe in the Divine. The Divine comes to us in different forms. I needed to make that connection with her and she slowly began to understand my choice. Now she still thinks I may end up changing my mind about paganism, which is perfectly alright with me for her to feel that way, but now she has a bit more understanding. It also helped with our connection together as she is one of the most important people in my life and she understood.

Now don’t get me wrong. Sometimes connection is a two way thing. Especially with people and the Divine. Ever heard “it takes two to tango?” But you must work at the connection. If you don’t put in effort, surely the other isn’t going to put in effort. Sometimes the other may not but don’t give up. All connections are worth something. Be it experience and wisdom or just for genuine enjoyment.

~Lumaria Faye~